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Monday, October 28, 2013

Leather Jacket

I was trying to avoid black looks all summer, and now is the time for a new one! I'm so happy that I finaly have a leather jacket! The jacket I wearing is from Bershka and it's a gift from my boyfriend! The sweetest boyfriend in the world!  Soon more outfits with my new jacket! Have a great week my sweet readers!
Толкова много бягах цяло лято от черните аутфити и отново черен аутфит в блога! Много съм щастлива, че най после имам кожено яке! Якето, което нося е от Bershka и е подарък от гаджето ми. Най-сладкото гадже на света!  Скоро ще пусна още аутфит с новото яке! Пожелавам ви прекрасна седмица мой сладки читатели!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Prom dresses | Advice and experience

One of my favorite categories in my blog is about Prom Dresses, but that category is still so small. So I will report you about prom dresses in this post! I will share with you my advices and what I think about prom dresses.

 This year when I had to find my perfect prom dress I searched a lot and tried so many different dresses. The one I want to be my prom dress wasn't for my shapes and I need to find something else. Therefore I tried so many different dresses, so I can find the one for my shapes. I found that Floor-length Prom Dresses with slit and corset without many layers are good for my body form and they look awesome on me. Also I found out that short prom dresses don't look good at me. So I understood, that I should wear a long dress .. I really want my prom dress to be short, but after all I found the perfect long dress which was better than the short one I try. You know all this dresses -short in the front and long in the back – asymmetric. I didn't like them, but after I tried one of this and I saw how amazing they look on I felt inlove with them- like they're the perfect type of dresses .So I bought one and I wore it for my graduation. So I can give you the advice to try different dresses. You can find some amazing thinks for your body or dresses you like or you don't like. Try everything this will help you to find the perfect dress for your prom. For me was really important also the dress to be on normal price- I mean not to be really expensive, but to be unique. In my country (Bulgaria) the most sewing's shops offer the same models, so it was hard to find something unique. 

 I will show you some dresses I like and tell you why I choose them.

 First I will start with two short dresses – one in red (my favorite color for dresses) and one in blue. I like the first because is chic, elegant and it's really trendy. The color is nice and my opinion is that this is a dress for princess. The other one is red and you know the red color is sexy and very chic. I like it because she has this amazing belt which makes her perfect for parties. The first is more romantic and princess, the second is more wild and sexy.


My favorite Long Prom Dresses!

What I like about the first one is the colour. (I love blue) and when I saw it I imagine Indian princess. The neck is amazing so chic and trendy. The second dress is more sparkle and glory I like her because it is in purple and black, and I think at the prom night it will sparkle from the light-very beautiful. The first long dress is more appropriate for my body shapes, but the second is fabulous.


And one unique dress for the end..


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Autumn Look

I love autumn. When I was little I used to play in piles of fallen leaves .. Now I love to layered my outfits and photograph of the background of this beautiful nature.
Обичам есента. Когато бях малка обичах да си играя в купчините изпадали листа.. сега обичам да напластявам аутфитите си и да се снимам на фона на тази прекрасна природа.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Autumn look

It's autumn and I enjoy every single sunny day. But this sunny days are rear, nights are cold and because of that I wear this outfit last night. Warm scarf in combination with bag both handmade for me and t-shirt in navy color, one of the most trendiest color for this winter. I'm happy that the over-the-knee boots are trendy this winter, because they are always being my favorite.  


Вече е есен и се наслаждавам на всеки слънчев ден. Тези слънчеви дни са рядкост, вечерите са студени и затова миналата вечер носих този аутфит. Топъл шал в комбинация с чанта и двете ръчна изработка специално за мен и тениска в тъмно синьо, един от актуалните цветовете за зимата. Искам също да спомена, че съм изключително щастлива, че в модните тенденции са ботушите чизми, защото винаги са ми били любими.


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Hello October

Hello October! This month is like a new start for me! Today is my first day in university! I'm little nervous, but I hope to be fun and interesting! I just want to inform you about what's going on with me and tell you that maybe I'm not be so active on blog until I catch up with all new. But that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna post at all! So stay turn for my next post! 

Have an amazing October!


Здравей, Октомври! Този месец е като ново начало за мен! Днес е първият ми ден в университета! Малко съм притеснено, но се надявам да е забавно и интересно! Исках да ви информирам какво става покрай мен и да ви споделя, че може би няма да съм толкова активна в блога докато свикна с новото темпо! Но това не значи, че ще спра да блогвам напълно, затова останете на линя за следващия ми пост!

Пожелавам ви прекрасен Октомври!
