I wanna introduce you Eliska from TIGERHEART! I'm inlove in her photos. I always love photography and I want to show you how good photography is she . She accept to answer some questions and to shаre some of her best photos!
Искам да ви представя Алеска от TIGERHEART! Влюбена съм в нейните снимка. Винаги съм обичала фотографията и исках да ви покажа колко добър фотограф е. Тя прие да отговори на няколко въпроса и ми даде възможност да ви покажа някой от най-добрите и снимки.
1. How long have you been working as a photographer?
I'm actually a law student, but I do photography on the side mostly as a passion, sometimes as a job. I did my first paid shoot when I was 17 (four years ago), but I fell in love with my camera a long time before that.
2. Who are your favourite photographers?
My favourites change constantly and range from the photographic deity such as Cecil Beaton (who coincidentally attended the same university as me) to the likes of Nirrimi and Marie Hochhaus.
3. What inspires you?
I take inspiration from all things special and unexpected: my travels, new people and places, the way light seeps through a window on a winter’s day and the specialest thing of all – the boy I love and our adventures.
4. What things do you love to shoot?
Youth and light, youth in light. I like freezing a raw moment of connection with another person, between other people, and I enjoy crafting light into reflections, flares and shadows.
5. Tell me more about your photos?
My photos are my memories as well as a form of expression. I capture everything all the time and you’d be hard pressed to find me without my camera.
6. What is your best photo?
Probably one entitled Antony & Cleopatra that I did as part of a project for an exhibition called Cambridge Faces. It features a reflection of a girl across a boy’s gaze. I love it because it was entirely unplanned – I felt uninspired before we started shooting, but the photo just happened within seconds. Those are the best moments.
7. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a photographer?
Capture everything. You might discover a love for photographing something you never thought of before, and there’s nothing worse than regretting a photo not taken. Never stop learning. Cameras and post-processing programmes are getting ever more complex and they have so much to offer – you can never know it all. Stay inspired. Read things, watch things, listen to things, do things and be with people that keep your imagination fresh and your camera keen.
What are you think? Are you like them? / Какво мислите? Харесват ли ви?